Now, your override should be in place!
You may also choose to use this field to add a temporary override of your own email to troubleshoot something (i.e. checking to see if a lead sends out, or seeing what the autoresponder template is saying) – just make sure you delete your email from the list after testing.
Overrides in Custom Form Code
Adjusting Email Override On Form With Existing Override
Coming soon!If an override already exists on the form, when you open the FormSnippet on the page, you will see a box already in place with the override, like so:
To edit the current override, all you need to do is click the gear on the left hand side of the box. This will make the fields for both the setting name and the emails editable.
Once you’ve added/changed out the emails you want to edit, click “Done” to save the changes you just made, and the text fields will no longer be editable (and should display the changes you just made). Make sure you hit “Submit” on the Select macro menu and then Save & Publish the page for the changes to take place.
Multi-Location Email Overrides
Coming There are some circumstances in which the dealer may request a form on a landing page has a location dropdown (or, in some other circumstances, other types of selections that may determine the direction of the lead). This cannot be handled in our current FormSnippet override area – it will need to be scripted into the content of the actual form.
More on how to do this coming soon!
Removing Email Override
To remove an email override that is in place on a form, simply click on the trash can icon on the override in question.
Once the box has disappeared, you will need to hut “Submit” on the Select macro menu, and then Save & Publish the page for the changes to take place.
VDP Form Email Overrides
Creating Email Override On Untouched Form