The Shop by Distance feature allows users to sort units according to their proximity to a provided zip code or geolocation. This feature appears in the Faceted Search area of the vehicle listing pages. Follow these instructions to enable the Shop by Distance feature.
Open the fulfillment task associated with the request and click on the Fulfillment Request.
On the fulfillment request page, click on “Fulfillment Products” and confirm that the “Shop by Distance” feature is listed. If so, continue to the next step. If not, verify with the AM in charge of the task.
Go back to the details tab and click on the Account.
On the account page, click “show all” under the “Related List Quick Links” section on the right. Once the list has expanded downwards, click on “Platform Instances”.
On the Platform Instances page, click the “Platform Instance ID” associated with the domain you are adding the feature to. It should show the domain to the right of the Platform Instance ID.